Product Development Management and Planning
Achieve Your Goals
Having great ideas doesn't mean anything if you can't get them to market quickly and with a minimum of risk. In order to repeatably do this you need to create process and structures that are inline with company culture and create employee buy in. Cam's approach to project management is to frequently and transparently communicate project status, roadblocks and solutions within a company in a time efficient manner. Clear single and multi-year product plans that are market and customer driven, and easy to understand project deliverable mapping tools lie at the core of any great organization. If people have a road-map, they know where they're going. Couple that with a product development strategy that is customer need driven and you have a recipe for success.
Project Management - Stage Gate
Deliverable mapping of your Innovation Process
Multi-year product strategic planning
Product Road-mapping
Product Canvases and Clear Product Briefs
Departmental troubleshooting and root problem definition